Monday, July 30, 2012

Quote Response: Resume by Dorothy Parker

This entire poem is fantastic.  In it's own satiric and sarcastic way it is so life positive:

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp;
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

These are fantastic reasons for not killing yourself.  Not the usual reasons that you'll hurt the ones you love or it's a sin in the eyes of god, etc.  The main reasons are that these ways are more of an inconvenience than horrible ways to die.  So, rather than go through the inconvenience of all that, you might as well just stay alive and not put yourself through the hassle.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if one who is SERIOUSLY considering suicide can appreciate the words of this poem. Probably not. Although, I wonder how many potential suicides are stopped by the problematic logistics of planning it. I hope a lot. :)
