Sunday, July 1, 2012

Freestyle Post - Time

One thing I consistently hear from people or read online is that no one has the time to read anymore.  I know that as a society, we are work driven.  Between work, school and taking care of family, time is limited.  I find the argument a specious one.  Of course, time is tight but everyone seems to have time to be online, playing video games, watching movies, etc.  Could a half hour less of any of these activities be dedicated to reading?  Would this help to get people reading something?

There seems to be a proliferation of things that are taking our interest away from the written word.  At one point in time if you wanted to be informed, know what’s going on in the world or just be entertained, you had to read it.   Now, all the work is done for you.  Talking heads come at you on news channels.  Movie adaptations of books give people the excuse not to read because they saw the film.  It’s fast and convenient.  We’re in a hurry.

I’m not saying that I haven’t succumbed to what was fast and easy.  I love my computer…watching movies…television.  They don’t have to consume how I get my entertainment or information.  One of the solutions that I’ve found in my life is to take time that I would have wasted playing a game online or instead of watching Pride and Prejudice, I use that time to read.  Because reading is important to me, prioritizing in this way has freed up time that I thought I didn’t have because I was “too busy”.    I’m now able to set aside a half hour (sometimes and hour) and read a book.
The days in my life where I could sit down and just read for hours at a time are gone…family and school have taken that time.  By allocating time to read just for pleasure, it has really helped me to decompress from my day to day routines and to feel like I’m feeding my brain. 


  1. Hi, Liz. Yes, you're right about time. I think research exists regarding young people's use of time--video games for the length of a work day. My day gets filled with teaching, and I don't seem to have time for anything else (hence writing this at 12:11 AM). At least, reading is job-related hazard for me :) Nancy

  2. I do get where you are coming from. Between full-time school, a two year old, taking care of the house and trying to maintain a relationship with my husband, it really is difficult to find the time. I really feel like that if I didn't take that 30 minutes (sometimes right before bed or early in the morning before everyone is awake), I feel like I missed out on ME time. Sometimes I feel we lose ourselves in the everyday. Even 30 minutes just for ourselves can be very valuable.

    One of my sisters was a college professor so I understand how valuable time is for you! 12:11 am?? That's crazy. :-)

  3. Ah babe. You knew I wouldn't resist this one. For my entire life when people would ask what I wanted to "do for a living," I always replied that I would love to get paid to read.

    As I contemplate going back to full time work after a couple of years off, I hate, hate, hate the prospect of not being able to have my reading time. I read all - literature, newspapers, magazines, letters. I read on-line, off-line. I read about literature, history, science, philosophy, ads, bumper stickers. I read while I watch tv, while I eat, while I bathe, while I drive, while I breathe, while I live.

    Reading: It's what I do for a living.

  4. I believe there is always time to read. No matter how busy we are, we can make time.
